Sunday, May 27, 2012

Design and Motion: Design Challenge

During one of our final lessons in our design and motion unit, the kids were given a design challenge.  We learned about lunar vehicles and some of the things that were needed to design a lunar vehicle.  We found out that the moon does not have gravity, therefore, our vehicles needed to have a little more weight on them so that they wouldn't fly off into space.  However, they also needed to be designed so that they would fit into the "space ship" going to the moon!  The kids were given 30 minutes and had to design their vehicle so that it would carry lunar rocks (our wooden blocks).  The vehicles had to carry at least 3 blocks and travel a distance of at least 39 inches.  Check out some of our creations!  Most of the groups did a really great job!  Not to mention they carried a lot more than 3 blocks!  We also had to draw our vehicles too!  The drawings were pretty great and included a ton of detail!  I was very impressed!  Check them out below!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. how did the car move initially? did they push it? or did it go down an incline?
